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Det finnes få historie på norsk, de fleste er på tysk, nederlandsk og englisk.

Hvis du går på autism, du lander på nederlandske siden, hvor det finnes historier i alle språk. Det samme gjelder for tyske siden som du komme på når du går på coma og engliske siden som gjemmes bort manisk. Gjennom OEP kommer du på begynnelses siden i nederlandsk, tysk eller englisk og i banen rechts ovenfor kan du veksle til norsk igjen.

ikke oversatt ennå....

I sengen!

Lying in bed I have been thinking a lot about patients in coma that I have been treating. The reason that I started to think about them is, that these patients did not get better even if they had a lot of therapies. This made me decide, that the treatment they got was not efficient and I started to think about what could be the reason that they are in the state they are and how this can be changed.

I came to the conclusion, that the brain, the nerves and the muscles are in good condition, so that is not the problem. As the brain is the central part of the body where the impulses to move come from, I decided the brain must have optimal conditions, so I started to treat the bones of the head. After this it occurred, that the intestines needed treatment. No wonder: the patient can not move himself and gets nevertheless chemical food. The intestines can not function normal because the patient can not move. Reflexology knows, that the movement of the legs has a connection with the intestines. If we massage the upper leg from upside down, we mobilise any not being able to go to the toilet, if we have too fast intestines, we massage from knee upwards. As the patient in coma can not move, the function of the intestines is not normal.

Movement of the legs and intestines can be stimulated by putting the patient in coma on to his legs. The best aid is an electric wheelchair with standing possibility as this can be used all day, to sit and to stand. The nursing personal can easily help the patient to come in another position so movement is given and movement is the key to the healing of the patient in coma.

Movement does not only mean moving the physical body. Movement on all levels is meant here: physical, emotional, mental, and all the levels in between have to be moved to make healing possible. It is impossible to give too much movement. The patient must be moved to be able to move. Give it a try! And if you do not dare, come to the COURSE and I will teach you all that, that you can not find on this website. It is too much to tell on one, two or even three websites.

This website is filled with short histories to give you the opportunity to heal yourself and by that, the world. is the site where the circumstances that a patient in coma might get to experience is discussed and it gives the possibility to make a network of information, usefull to patients in coma. gives information about courses and therapy possibilities with hpi healing therapy. My idea has always been that I have to make that the patient does not need me any longer so he can go on and find someone else, who can help him further on his path of life. I can use the time that comes free to help other people, that need my help.

I am very happy, that internet gives me the possibility to get in contact with people all over the world, knowing, that patients in coma live all over the world. You came on this site, which means, you are on the right site. The Devine Love made you come to this site. You can find here, what you are looking for and I am very happy, that we were in contact this way. This site does not have a counter somewhere, so I do not know how many people read it. The Devine Love knows and I just follow this Love, like you, else you would not have come to this site! I congratulate, you are doing well. You are in the right flow and can live your richness and share it!

Some of the histories you find just under one of the items, other histories under all items. That complicated and easy is life.
Life is beautiful if you know how to love it!


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