De Deutsche Bahn


h p i - THERAPIE



Walk to Malaysia


We are friends in our hearts. In the physical world you sent me away the last time I visited you. I wonder what you would do if I now would visit you again.

I do not try it. We are too much connected in the heart. We do not need physical contact to be connected. I will be off soon. You will stay here until you too will be off. And than we will meet again.

In the meantime we keep in touch. I hope you get enough support from all those who are around you and that you will be able to accept this support.

You are not the easiest person to be with. You seem to know what you want and in the meantime you seem not to know what you need. Your physical body is the part that tells you how you are doing and you only react to it after it has been crying very long.

You seem not able to listen to the small sounds of your physical body. You do not want to get aware of them. They remember you of your elderly home where the physical body was all it was about. The physical body is also the reason we came in contact.

I do no longer treat people the old fashioned way and I feel very rich that you allowed me twice to treat you too. I told you afterwards you needed some more but you preferred not to ask for it.

My way of being is not exactly the way that you can cope with. I am like you and that makes that to you I am not willing to change my attitude as I am convinced that it is for me the best one to you.

I also feel in my physical body pain but this pain is not my pain. And that is very comforting to me. Knowing that the pain I feel is not my pain makes that I can react on it. I can have a look what I can do about it. If there is something I can do about it so the person that has this pain will be able to solve the problem that is the cause of this pain, I will do it.

And this action is usually not paid. And that makes that I have to see that I get money from other places to be able to pay my rent, to buy myself milk, eggs, cheese and fish and the rest of my depts will stay until I will be able to earn money with my capability to feel what others need.

You do feel what others need but you do not feel what you need and that is what I also experienced and still do. I am not aware about my physical needs. I am aware about my emotional needs already and that is a gigantic difference to before.

I did not feel anything. I had cut off all feelings because everything I felt was so painful. It was painful to feel that people were lieing; it was painful to see how people were reacting on the lies of others. It was painful to feel how lonely people were and it was painful to see how people react in their loneliness.

It is all still painful but now I am no longer the one that is lieing or lonely. I found my honesty and I found my own being as my companion. I am still longing for the physical being together with my beloved but being alone makes that I do not have to cope with the not wanting to accept my love from my beloved.

To me it is easier to be alone and meeting new people every day than being together with my beloved and feeling that my beloved does not love himself, because one can only love someone else as much as we love ourselves.

I did not love myself. I felt not beloved and that made that I did not love myself so I could not accept the love of others. The love of others can only be accepted as much as one loves himself.

Accepting that one is creator of his own life makes that one also feels his responsibility to create his own life so that one can be proud of oneself and that one can be thankful of himself but that can not be the goal of life.

The goal of life is to me living my love because that makes me happy and I want to be happy and if I treat people the way I do I use my love and that makes me happy. So treating people is not work to me. To me it is my hobby and makes me happy. It gives me energy and my experience tell me that it also gives energy to the person I treated.

We are the same in our goal. We only have another way of expression. I work with people, you work with money. It seems different but it is the same. Money keeps the world go around but only if the people go around.

And that means that you need me! Because I am the one that treats people so they will be able to go around. I was treated in my life. I experienced it aware in Malaysia and Indonesia. The people there are masters in letting love flow.

They do not think about getting paid. The traffic is a mess in the eyes of the western people but if you look with your heart and count the ambulances that you see, you know that the traffic in the west is a mess. The reason that the traffic in the west is a mess is that there are too many rules.

The west is a master in making rules that do not fit together. The rules in the west try to prevent accidents like the rule that one has to put on a belt in the car. This should prevent hurting the brain in accidents but it makes that, if you have your belt on, just because otherwise you might get caught and have to pay a lot of money that you do not have, and you drive or are driven into the water, you drown.

You will not be able to get off you belt as quickly as needed and there is another problem in this case. In the modern car you will not be able to open the window to get out. The modern car is no longer a car it is an electrical machine.

This electrical machine is not able to function without electricity and this electricity will not function in the water. Holland and Scotland are countries full of water and my father bought himself a hammer and put it in his car to be able to demolish the window in case they would get off the road and into the water which is not that unusual.

A relative of mine experienced this. She was very lucky, she was no longer in the car but her whole car vanished in the gracht in Leiden. She was double lucky. It was before the car was an electrical machine.

Her car was a French car without any luxury and therefore her car came out of the water without a big damage. That is not the case if a modern car that is full of electronic luxury comes into the water.

This modern car will not be able to keep his state of car after a bath. The electronic system will be totally in disorder and will need an expert to have a chance to be repaired, the same as a patient in coma.

The energetic system of the patient in coma is so much in disorder that an expert is needed to reorganise the energetic system so the patient will get a chance to be able to move again. This reorganisation of the energetic system is taught in HPI - EDUCATIONS FOR THERAPISTS and HPI - EDUCATIONS FOR NURSES.


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