nederlandse vlag
De onbeweeglijkheid van patient in coma veranderen in beweging

nederlandse vlag
Change the immobility of the patient in coma into movement

nederlandse vlag
Ändere die Unbeweglichkeit des Patienten im Wachkoma in Bewegung

drapeau francais
Change l'immobilité du patient comateux mouvant

nederlandse vlag
Endre det ubevegelige livet av pasient i koma i bevegelse

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Autism ia a state of BEing.

This BEing can not be changed by a treatment, but the way to live with it.

The emotional body is not integrated properly in the other bodies.

A hpi - treatment can stimulate the emotional body to integrate properly in the other bodies again.

Not being able to communicate with the voice may produce violence.

And this not only by autistic people. There are lots of situations, where people, who have the feeling nobody is listening to them, slam the door, cut off the telephone or cry at someone.

I only have good experiences with autistic people and have the feeling, they always treated me very lovingly. When an autistic person clears the table, it is a good opportunity to reflect, what just has been said or decided. I would not be surprised, when something, that will not be a pleasure for the autistic person, just had been decided.

Are decisions made to the wellfare of the autistic person? Or are they taken, hoping the family and other persons that have to deal with the autistic person will have an easier life?

Do we see the talents of the autistic person or are we focussing on what we "normal" people see as a shortcoming or maybe unwanted behavior?


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