De I K K classic


h p i - THERAPIE



Do not postphone until tomorrow what you wanted to do today


If we would have used our mastership to the benefit of the Whole we would be have been wealthy now. We are such rich people but we have not dared to show it the world.

Our Last job we would like to get rid off but it holds us as we do not let it slip away. No one can help us to let emotions or thoughts go. Things can be stolen and with them the emotions that they remember me of through my thoughts but the emotions and thoughts stay, unless I lett them go too.

My thoughts are not properly connected to my feelings and therefore I do not feel what is good for me. Therefore I do not keep the promises that I make myself and therefore my future will not be as wealthy as it could be.

If I follow my intuition, I will live my love to the benefit of the whole and that means, that I will do the things that I do not like to do as quickly as possible. Because then they can no longer make me a headache or another feeling of fear.

We are the masters of our lives. We are responsible for everything that happens in our lives. It is no use to give the other the black jack if we do not see the profit we have of this situation. Our experiences are our wealth, we decide what we do with it.



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These short stories
tell about daily life
and the person in coma